Doing Different… Better: Stand out From the Crowd

LED Signs may look the same, but they’re more than a ‘box of lights;’ there’s a lot more to consider when making an investment with digital signage. Not all manufacturers are the same nor are their offerings.

Is afterservice an afterthought?

Industry standard for LED digital outdoor displays is 5 years parts-only. This can be rough as the initial purchasing decision often takes costs like display, installation, etc. into account – but doesn’t consider the unexpected costs for service which can run up to $250+ per hour and parts in year 6, 7, and beyond. Vantage LED’s Flex series display offers a unique 7 year parts warranty with 7 year on-site service options for peace of mind.

Is your content custom or stock?

A big reason more organizations are investing in themselves with an LED Digital Sign is to stand out and have effective, immediate outreach to the community at large. The message gets a bit watered down when stock content is used and your message looks like many others. We understand you want to showcase who you are and have your message be as unique as your organization. This is why we include a year of custom content creation services with our displays including up to 120 custom messages created by our design teams. We want you to get the most from your investment and showcase your uniqueness with custom content.

Bigger isn’t always better.

Our teams work closely with our sign company partners to ensure every display fits the client’s needs. The market is increasingly pushing tighter pixel pitches and higher resolutions. A 5mm display  sounds great, but does a church with a viewing distance of 200′ need one? No. Ideally, you take the viewing distance – average distance a viewer of the sign will be – and divide by 10. That gives you the average pixel pitch. In this instance 20mm or 16mm would be great for their use. Sign size and other variables do come into play, but this is where having the right partners and companies who are honest, transparent, and working in your best interest helps. Dig deeper and ask what the company is really offering and how it stands up vs. the competition.

Don’t dive in headfirst before checking the water…

A new sign is a big investment. Make sure you’re getting your money’s worth and going with a company that delivers what you need now and for the lifetime of the digital sign.

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